David Hasselhoff Performs with the Texas Tenors

David had a surprise earlier on Twitter showcasing a surprise appearance performing with the Texas Tenors. They performed at the McCallum Theatre in Palm Springs on Thursday night. The Texas Tenors were a finalist on America's Got Talent when David was a judge on the show. They shared the stage in front of a sold out crowd.

From: Twitter

David Hasselhoff on Howard Stern

David Hasselhoff called in to Howard Stern's show this morning at around 7:05am. This video is a taste of the interview, and below you can find a transcript.Audio: David Hasselhoff on Howard SternHoward said he has David Hasselhoff on the phone. He said he's formerly a judge on America's Got Talent. David said he's formerly from everything. Howard asked what he's up to. David said he's getting ready to go drive in the Gumball rally.David asked why he keeps taking his place on TV shows. He said he did Baywatch and then Howard did Son of the Beach. Now he's taking his spot on America's Got Talent. Howard said he's actually taking Piers Morgan's spot.Howard asked David if he walked away from that show or was he fired. David said that it was a contract negotiation thing. He said it was 4 years of arguing with Piers and it wasn't easy. He said Howard will see how hard the work is. Howard said he doesn't have to work out a script or anything and it was pretty high profile. He said he does see the huge time commitment it is though.David said the show is fun if you take your wife or girlfriend but after 4 years it wasn't fun anymore. He said he had Howard would have had a blast but with Piers it was just too much. He said he couldn't take it any more. Howard said David's persona is Mr. Nice Guy and the thing with Piers seemed pretty real. David said Piers was writing stuff behind his back and putting in the papers and denying it. He said he threatened to kill him on the air and they finally became good friends.Howard asked why he threatened to kill Piers. He said he gets that they battle a lot because you tend to defend people you like. David said that the production company will tell you to put people through at times.Howard said he saw that David wanted to butt heads with Piers. David said he changed that to ''we were butting heads.'' He said that Piers didn't like that he threatened him. David said that they had agreed that year that they weren't going to call each other out and get nasty on the show. He said Piers went for the jugular and said he was going to put people through to get at David Hasselhoff. He said Piers called him out so he called Piers out. After that they became close and got friendly.Howard asked how he gets close to a guy who betrays him and prints stories about him. David said you have to sit next to them through 80 acts. Howard asked if he would hold it against him to this day. David said they had it out on Piers' show and Piers apologized. Howard said he could never forgive that. David said Howard did that to him and he called him off the air and Howard apologized to him for it off the air. Howard said he doesn't recall that. Gary said he thinks he made that whole thing up. David said he did do that. He said that Howard wanted him to be on Son of the Beach or something and he talked to him about it and then Howard got on the air and said something that he said in confidence.David asked when the show starts. Howard said it's started already and he has to be watching. David said he doesn't watch the show. Howard said he happens to love the show. David said he loves the show too. He was on Britain's Got Talent and he did a year of that. He said he only signed on to do one year.Howard said he heard a story about David at AGT. He said he heard the producers got mad at him because he went out and got spray tanned during a break and the producers freaked out. He said that his spray tan caused a bunch of commotion. David said that is not true. He said that's something that Piers Morgan ran with that story. He said he didn't come back orange. He said he did get the spray tan at lunch but no one said anything about it. Piers was the one who ran with the story and made a big deal out of it.David said he and Piers are good friends now. He said he does things over in London and he hangs out with Piers' kids over there. He said he's been a real stand up guy with him. David said he was always very kind to his kids so that's how he judges someone.David's dog was barking so Howard asked if he has a lot of pets. David said he has 7 dogs and a pig. Howard asked if he's worth more than $10 million. David said it's more. Howard asked if he owns Baywatch. David said he owns part of that. He said they brought the show back because of the success of the song he did. He tried to bring Knight Rider back but NBC took that away from him. Howard asked if he's trying to bring out a movie based on Baywatch. David said that the people at Imagine own Baywatch the movie. He said he has no idea where they're going with it. He said he is in the middle of a Knight Rider thing with the Weinsteins. He said he lost the rights to the show though. He said he's in a new Piranha movie that's coming out on the 29th. David said that it's Piranha 3DD.Howard asked if he needs one serious part to prove that he's a serious actor. David said he's had those parts. He said that he was Nick Fury. He said he's not sure why that didn't keep going. David said when you're a TV star you remain a TV star. He said that Knight Rider will come back. David said the Piranha movie is great and he thinks that his audience will love it.Howard asked if David is nude hanging aroudn. David said he's actually packing to fly to New York right now. He said that he has to fly out in about an hour.Howard asked David about his wife. David said his first wife married a guy named Michael Knight which was very weird to him. He said now she drives around in a Knight Rider car.David told Howard about how he got custody of his kids. Howard asked how that happened and how that tape of him being drunk on the floor with a hamburger got in the hands of the public. David said it wasn't his daughter who released it. Howard asked if it was Piers Morgan. David said that he should ask a few more questions. David said that it could have been someone who had access to his daughter's computer. Gary said it must be the ex-wife. David said he can't say that but it could have happened that way. David said that he had to put everything he could into showing that he was a cool guy and that his wife was playing the kids. He said within 6 weeks he had full custody of his kids. David said that he asked the judge where he saw the video and he told him it was on E.T. David asked if he was really going to judge him based on a TV video tape.Howard asked David when he found out that tape was on Youtube. David said he was doing America's Got Talent and they were between shows. He said his attorneys and agent walked in and told him what they had seen. David said there was no tape and he doesn't do that. He said they insisted there was a tape. David said they told him that there was a tape of him drunk eating a hamburger. He said they told him it wasn't funny, it was bad. They told him it was going to be out the next day. David said he got calm and saw the writing on the wall. He said he knew he had to get his shit together and stop feeling sorry for himself. Howard asked if he was embarrassed to go out after that. David said he just asked if anyone knew where he could get a good cheeseburger.David said the first call he got was from Simon Cowell and he said everyone makes mistakes. He said that he defended him and so did Ozzy Osbourne. David said he just looks at life like ''shit happens.'' Howard said he'd be in a panic if that was going on in his life. Howard said it's embarrassing to see that kind of thing. Howard said people think he's crazy anyway so that's the kind of thing people would love to see.David said he lost his job on The Producers because of that tape and it was devastating to him. He said he was having a great time doing that play.David told Howard that the judge in the custody battle was great. David said that he's clean and sober now. He said he was clean and sober when that tape was made. That was just a one off thing. Howard asked David about being hospitalized a bunch of times for alcohol poisoning. David said it can be tough when you're an alcoholic. He said that life is fantastic now. He said he has a girlfriend from Wales and she looks like Farrah Fawcett. He said he's going to drive to Indianapolis this week and he's having fun.Howard asked David about the girlfriend and if he's having sex all the time. David said he has it as often as he can. He said he met her on Britain's Got Talent. Howard asked if he had someone bring her to him. David said that he walked right up to her in the audience and said ''you're the one.'' He said she wouldn't go out with him for 6 weeks because she thought he was too old for her. He said he's 59 and she's 32. Howard asked if he has a strong erection or does he use Viagra. David said he's the Hoff and he's like morning wood.Howard said he heard that he's proposed to her and she's turned him down. David said that's not true. Howard asked if he gives her everything sexually. David said they don't do anal. Howard told him to hit his erection against the phone right now. David said okay, whacked the phone and yelled in pain.Howard said he heard that they had the chance to hire Leonardo DiCaprio on Baywatch and they turned him down. David's bird was making noise so he told it to be quiet.Howard asked if the Leonardo DiCaprio story was right. David said that it was. He said that it's best that they didn't hire him because he did just fine without that. He said he would have played his son on the show if they had hired him. He said they went with Jeremy Jackson instead. Howard said that kid ended up on Celebrity Rehab.David said that he has no regrets. He said he did embarrass his daughter with that drunk tape. He said that was the sad part about the whole thing. Howard said he was a legend in the drinking community. He said he read he was clocked at a .39 blood alcohol level. David said he has broken some records. Howard said he read that David ran out of rehab in sweat pants to get a drink. David said he may have done that.Howard asked if David tried to commit suicide once. David said his life is too good and he's never done that. He said he was at a hotel and he was shaving and ended up breaking a lamp that sliced tendons in his wrist and arm. He said he got stitched up and then his ex-wife went out and said he tried to kill himself. He said he wouldn't do that. He said he has so much to live for. He said he has to go and do the Gumball rally tomorrow. He said they're shutting down Times Square tomorrow to do that.Howard asked David if his dad still calls him Michael Knight. David said that he has done that by mistake. Howard said that's not funny. David said it's fantastic. He said his dad used to carry cards aroudn that said ''Knight Rider's Dad.''Howard asked if he ever fucked Pam Anderson. David said he did not. He said that there were too many other people around. Howard asked if he would like to. David said no. He said he's afraid. David said he's just afraid. He said she's gorgeous and lovely but he's afraid. He said there have been other wankers in there before. He said he's happily engaged to a hot Welsh girl and he doesn't need to have sex with Pam.Howard asked David who he's going to vote for. David said that he'd probably go for Obama again. He said Romney reminds him too much of the Bush administration and he didn't like that.Howard gave David a plug for his movie Piranha 3DD. He asked what he's up to next. David said he's doing the Gumball rally and then he's going to the premiere of the movie and doing a bunch of other things like going on a safari and going on an underwater thing. Then he's going to try and bring Knight Rider back as a movie. He's got a lot going on.Howard asked David if the Welsh chick is there. David said she's meeting him in New York. He said she's in Wales right now. Howard said he'd love to talk to her. David said he'd bring her on the show. Howard said he has to ask her about the anal thing because she must not love him if she won't give him that. David said they have a lot of fun together. Howard asked if he's ever had a gay experience. David said he has not. He asked Howard if he has. Howard said a guy did ask him to put his hand on his dick once when he was little but he knew it was wrong and took it off.Howard gave David some more plugs and talked about Piranha 3DD. David said this is the worst movie ever made. He said it's a goofy movie with topless women and things like that. Howard said it sounds like something he'd like.Howard and David talked about the John Travolta controversy that's going on right now. They talked more about the Piranha movie and David said that he gets to see himself in 3-D so that's kind of fun. He said he shot for a week on that movie. He said there are some penises that get bitten off in the movie. He said there are some young stars in the movie whose names he doesn't know. He said they have Christopher Lloyd and Gary Busy in the movie too. He said it's a lot of fun. Howard told David to come see him sometime. David said he will come to an AGT show and say hi there. Howard thanked him for calling in and let him go. He said the movie sounds like fun for the whole family... if you're the Manson family. David got a laugh out of that.Howard said he thinks that David has hit the wall. He is 59 years old. George said he was shocked at Gregg Allman and how aged he is. Howard said he put his body through the mill. George said it sounds like David has too. Howard said you have to hand it to David because he walks aroudn like nothing is happening after that video came out. Howard said he has to learn something from him. He said he worries too much about that stuff. George said that's what's great about Howard. He said David is just oblivious to everything.Howard said David has this career and family life that makes it seem like he's squeaky clean. Howard said it turns out he just doesn't give a shit. Howard said the guy is worth tons of money and he seems to be having a great time.Howard asked George if he's ever turned down a movie role. George said even he has turned down roles. He said even he appeared on Son of the Beach. He played the Grandpa in the show. He said he was happy to land that role. He said he was still in his 50s back then. Howard said he had to go to break after that.

Source: Marks Friggin

David Hasselhoff Interview with Metro

The Hoff is back and talking with Metro.co.uk about Britains Got Talent, his reality show and his new movie Piranha 3DD.

Why did you do this reality show?One, to help highlight my daughters’ quests to become singers. Number two, instead of reading complete unadulterated lies about  me in the press, this was a chance to invite people in to say: ‘This is who the Hasselhoffs are – we have a great family relationship, a heart and a sense of humour.’Are you worried your daughters will experience the negative side of fame?They already have because of my divorce and the stuff I’ve gone through. They’ve had to have a hard skin, especially at school. Every kid goes through challenges at school, whether you’re in show business or not, but it’s worse if people know  you because of your parents. We’re just a normal family that picks up the papers and reads what we’ve been doing, or haven’t, everyday. It hurts when your children are mentioned and when people assume things about them that aren’t true.How’s Britain’s Got Talent going?I’m having a blast. I find it very funny that I can’t understand what people are saying a lot of  the time. I’m very proud I’ve been asked to do it. I’m spending a lot of time in Britain and people are very complimentary.

Are there any British accents you can’t understand at all?The Scottish ones. The Glaswegian accent really got me but then I couldn’t really understand a lot of what people in Liverpool were saying – and Wales too. I’m having a hell of a time. I’m dating a Welsh girl and keep saying ‘what?’ all the time. I haven’t got through one sentence with her yet without saying ‘what?’ But at the same time I find it very sexy and cute, so she can talk all she wants.What acts in Britain would you not get in US?There was one act in America where a lady said she could whistle and birds would come. She did it and no birds arrived. The weirdest one in Britain was a guy who imitated trucks – I have no idea what that was about. It sounded like a giant man farting. And I think I’ve seen every Michael Jackson impersonator in Britain.What are your proudest achievements in your career?I loved working with Mel Brooks. When they asked me to do The Producers, they asked me to play the German but I wanted to play the gay director and he told me I did a great job, which I was very proud of.What have been the biggest disappointments?Not getting more film work and not being cast in the TV remake of Knight Rider when I brought the idea, the treatment and the story to the TV network. Hollywood can be fun like that.You’re filming Piranha 3DD at the moment – how’s that going?It’s a lot of fun saving beautiful girls from being eaten by piranhas and  it’s great to see everyone wandering around covered in fake blood.What lessons have 40 years in showbiz taught you?Don’t count on anything but yourself and God.What’s the secret of your enduring popularity?Love of people, humility and to respect the opportunities that I’ve been given. And, of course, my winning smile.You’ve had a well-publicised battle with alcoholism. Are people supportive?People never, ever ask; only the media. Interviews like this are obsessed with bringing it up because it sells newspapers. No one in the street has ever come up to me and said: ‘How’s your drinking?’ I welcome the support I receive from family and friends.What else would you like to achieve with your career?To bring down all the walls in the world. More seriously, though, I’d like to make a kick-ass Knight Rider film and I’m looking forward to seeing my daughters achieve success in their own careers.The Hasselhoffs starts on May 30 on Bio.

KITT is Back and Looking For Michael on BGT

KITT has been out of view for a while, but now he's back and he wants to find Michael. But no one wants to tell him that the Hoff has moved on. With The Hoff very busy judging this years BGT, how will he react when he see's his old buddy? Will KITT ever give up on Michael? Who will help him? Go backstage with KITT and find out.

Thanks to Weeezl

David Appears at Coachella Festival

David Hasselhoff loves the Coachella Festival, so he has made annual appearances at the event. This year he has brought his new girlfriend, Hayley Roberts to Indio, California for Coachella.The pair were set to enjoy a first night line-up including Cee Lo Green, Kings Of Leon, Marina And The Diamonds and The Chemical Brothers.The Hoff has been seeing the Welsh blonde for three months after meeting her in Cardiff Bay while filming Britain’s Got Talent auditions, and is now a regular visitor to Miss Roberts' home town of Glynneath in Swansea.The former Knight Rider legend said: "I'm big on romance. I wooed her, I was a gentleman."I went to see her in Wales. It's been really nice because I've got the chance to see a bit of the countryside, a bit of Wales and it's been a terrific time. Wales is nice."Hasselhoff joins Amanda Holden and fellow newbie Michael McIntyre on the panel for this year's Britain's Got Talent and admits that despite having starred on the American version of the show for four years, he has noticed a few differences between the two programs.He said, "They [the British audience] are so positive. It is actually more fun over here than in the States. Everyone seems to want at any moment just to break out into song."The first episode of the new season was on ITV1 Saturday night in the UK, where David made his judging debut.

Source: Daily Mail, Contact Music

Sneak Peak at the Britain's Got Talent Season Premiere

Britain's Got Talent returns to the UK screens this Saturday and promises to be the wackiest series so far.From a man impersonating trucks to a guy who carves faces out of melons, this year's auditions have been so crazy that judge Amanda Holden has even suggested the show be renamed 'Britain's Got Self-Belief'.Hosted by Ant and Dec, the fifth series will see two new judges, comedian Michael McIntyre and David Hasselhoff, join Amanda on the judging panel with viewers being treated to guest appearances from Louis Walsh and Simon Cowell.[gallery order="DESC" columns="4"]

Source: Mirror.co.uk

Britain's Got Talent Airs April 16, Amanda Holden Wants the Hoff on Glee

Britain's Got Talent returns to to ITV in Great Britain starting April 16. The show, hosted by Geordie duo Ant and Dec, and featuring returning judge Amanda Holden and new panel members Michael McIntyre and David Hasselhoff, had its air date confirmed on the channel’s Twitter account earlier today.The live finals are scheduled to air in May.Judge Amanada Holden also says she wants a whole episode of Glee dedicated to David Hasselhoff. Amanda told The Sun’s Buzz magazine that he’d be fantastic on the hit musical show and added, “He could sweep Sue Sylvester off her feet…The Hoff’s the only man tall enough to do it!”The great man himself loved the the idea and laughed.“I love Glee and listen to musical theatre a lot…I’ve even recorded songs from the musicals Dracula, and Jekyll & Hyde.”

Sources: Music Rooms & Unreality TV

David Hasselhoff Arrives at Birmingham BGT Auditions

David Hasselhoff arrived in Birmingham Tuesday for the Britain's Got Talent Auditions. He spent longer then the other judges outside to sign autographs and chat with fans before walking over to the media for some photos.[gallery]

Photos from Now Magazine and Birmingham Mail

Hasselhoff Starts on BGT Thursday

From Digital Spy

David Hasselhoff will join the new-lookBritain's Got Talent judging panel for the first time tomorrow.The former Baywatch actor will team up with Amanda Holden and Michael McIntyre at the Manchester Opera House for auditions on Thursday and Friday.Louis Walsh stood in for the US star last week while he was busy filming in Australia and appearing in pantomime in Wimbledon.Hasselhoff, McIntyre and Holden will be joined on the judging panel by Simon Cowell when theGot Talent live shows start.

It's Official: David Moving Across the Pond to Britain's Got Talent

After several weeks of talks, it's confirmed that David will be one of the new judges on Britain's Got Talent.

From Entertainment Weekly

A&E might have pulled The Hasselhoffs from their lineup, but across the pond, they just can’t get enough of David Hasselhoff.A publicist for the actor confirms to EW that the former Baywatchand Knight Rider star will join the judging panel at Britain’s Got Talent, more than a week after it was announced he was in talks for the gig.The former America’s Got Talentjudge will fill one of two recently available spots, with the other going to British comedian Michael McIntyre, according to the United Kingdom Press Association. The panel will also include existing judge Amanda Holden, and Simon Cowell will lend his critiques during the live portions of the show.

America's Got A New Judge: Howie Mandel

From: E! News

It seems a bit quick after David's announcement, however, E! cites they have confirmed the details. Howie Mandel will take David's place on the judge panel on America's Got Talent. 

The 54-year-old former Deal or No Deal host will sit at the judge's table with Piers Morgan and Sharon Osbourne for the show's fifth season, E! News has confirmed.This announcement follows news of judge David Hasselhoff's departure, who is leaving the NBC show after four seasons to focus on creating his own TV program."It's been a rewarding experience and now I'm thrilled to be able to follow my dream to do my own TV show, which will be announced very shortly," the Hoff said in a statement Wednesday.Mandel returns to reality TV after giving up his suitcase-toting duties in early 2009, when Deal or No Deal was cancelled. 

Piers Morgan "Shocked" at Hasselhoff's Departure

From Reality TV World

Piers Morgan said he was as "shocked as anyone" to learn that David Hasselhoff is leaving America's Got Talent."I didn't know anything about this until last night. My phone went and somebody said, 'David's leaving the show.' I'm really shocked," said Morgan while serving as a guest co-host during the fourth hour of Thursday's Today show broadcast on NBC.Hasselhoff announced on Wednesday night that he's leaving America's Got Talent after serving on its judging panel with Morgan since the NBC reality series premiered in 2006.

Morgan said he was "really sad" to hear about Hasselhoff's departure."He and I were on the first season together, we've done four years together. I didn't know him before. I think he thought I was the devil incarnate from Britain, I wasn't massively convinced by him, and we became really good friends," explained Morgan."He's a crazy, lovable, endearing guy who happens to have starred in the two biggest TV shows of all time -- Knight Rider and Baywatch. He was great on [America's Got Talent]."Hasselhoff said that he was leaving America's Got Talent to follow his "dream" of doing his own TV show, which he added "will be announced very shortly."While the 57-year-old failed to elaborate on the new project, he was reportedly close to finalizing a deal with A&E for a new reality series in October."Apparently he's got some big reality show with his kids that's going to be a big thing that he really wanted to do," said Morgan."He's talked to me before about it. His real dream, I think, would be to make his own show with his family. He's incredibly close to his kids. I'd watch that. He's a compulsive guy to watch on TV."Today co-host Hoda Kotb asked Morgan if he knew who would be replacing Hasselhoff on the judging panel."I don't know," he replied before joking that it could be America's Got Talent's creator and executive producer."I hear Simon Cowell's desperate, but I'm not sure if he'd want it."

David Hasselhoff Leaving America's Got Talent

 In a statement released to PEOPLE, David Hasselhoff says, "I am proud that I was part of making America’s Got Talent the No. 1 rated show for the past four summers. It’s been a rewarding experience and now I’m thrilled to be able to follow my dream to do my own TV show, which will be announced very shortly."David continues to say, "I want to thank my friend, (executive producer) Simon Cowell, and everyone at NBC and Fremantle for the opportunity for four great years."NBC released a statement in response saying, "David’s been an integral part of the success of America’s Got Talent and we are sad to see him go. We wish him all the best with his new show."According to Extra and People the show will go on for a fifth season next summer, however, no word on who will replace him.

Original articles: Extra & People

America's Got Talent Live Stage Show

Les uploaded some photos he took at the America's Got Talent Live Stage Show at Planet Hollywood in Vegas. Photos include Barbara Padilla, Texas Tenors and AcroDunk with host Jerry Springer.View the Photos at Hoffspace

5 Things That Make 'Talent' Better Than 'Idol'



The Hoff drinks ‘hoffee’Just before our interview began, David Hasselhoff asked his publicist for a cup of “hoffee.” There was a moment of horror, then the publicist appeared with a mug that read “want some Hoffee?” The Hoff puns continued, even on the live broadcast, and for the most part, they were hoffully funny.

Don’t ‘hassle the Hoff’David Hasselhoff tells msnbc.com's Courtney Hazlett what happens if anyone dares “hassle the Hoff.”


But that’s not why they’re getting ink now. No, all this Hoff business goes a long way in making the show personal. The judges on these types of shows need to have a role beyond that of talking head in order to seem genuine and invested in the outcome. Their influence needs to be evident throughout, and little things like the Hoffisms go a long way.

It’s a family affairHoff’s dad comes to the live taping of “AGT” every week, and Hoff gets out from behind the judge’s table to chat with him during the commercial breaks. Nick Cannon’s mom was present at the taping I attended. The television audience might not see this, but having mom or dad on set makes a difference, if for no other reason that it keeps their kids human. And it’s just sweet.

Read the rest of the story and view lots of video clips!

David Hasselhoff Performs on America's Got Talent

David performed "Feeling Good" tonight on America's Got Talent and it was awesome. I really loved the old-style with the hat and the pinstriped suit. He looked great and even gave a wink to the people at home in one of the close-ups.Enjoy!Hulu videoYouTube VideoView Stills

The Hoff to Perform on "America's Got Talent"

First heard from Hasselhoff-Friends that David will sing on an upcoming episode of America's Got Talent, the news has broke across the internet.

California Chronicle says David Hasselhoff has agreed to sing "Feeling Good" on Wednesday's episode of America's Got Talent.Can't wait!

Win a Trip to America's Got Talent!

Zap2it is hosting a contest to win a trip to a taping of America's Got Talent in Los Angeles when the season four winner is crowned!

One (1) Grand Prize winner will receive two round-trip tickets to LA, standard hotel accommodations for two and two tickets to the "AGT" finale.

Sweepstakes runs from August 21 – September 7, 2009.

Click here to enter!

'America's Got Talent' has got NBC's Best Ratings

From SouthCoastToday.com

There is no surprise that America's Got Talent has been the highest rated show all summer, but in case you didn't know or wanted to read more about it, SouthCoastToday.com has a nice article about the show and judges.

The folks at NBC must be wishing the summer would never end. The last-place network that just fired its president on the eve of launching its fall schedule continues to dominate the summer ratings with healthy doses of "America's Got Talent" (8 p.m., r, 9 p.m. and 10 p.m., NBC, TV-PG).

There's little to dislike about this talent/variety show, with its ecumenical mix of singing, magic, contortion acts, comedy and even a smattering of classical talent. Somewhere in show-biz heaven, Ed Sullivan is looking down and smiling and wondering where all the plate-spinners and marionette acts have gone.

"America" continues the uniquely American tradition of casting British-accented judges as arbiters of American talent. Piers Morgan, a staple of "Britain's Got Talent," is firmly established in the Simon Cowell role, happily dispensing unpopular opinions to choruses of derisive boos. Sharon Osbourne, whose British inflections have survived decades of residence in Los Angeles, does her own variation on Paula Abdul, doling out knowledgeable nuggets of encouragement and cheer. David Hasselhoff, the sole Yank in the "Talent" troika, has gained the most from the show. He's put notorious YouTube exposure behind him, offering short bursts of EveryGuy enthusiasm. He reminds me of the nicest gym teacher I never had.

My quibbles with "Talent" are few. Why, for instance, were the judges so curt with Dave Johnson, a guy with the temerity and cleverness to sing a joke-folk song about the cast of "The Golden Girls"? Is he Vegas material? No. But maybe not everybody wants to sing for desperate casino denizens down to their last roll of quarters. He offered a brief moment of wit in an irony-free zone, and for that he gets my commendation.

Still, who doesn't love the sight of The Footworkingz, seriously amazing street performers wearing black-light regalia and full war paint, towering over the renegade Brownie troop known as Pixie Mystere? That's America. That's talent. And that's entertainment.

Behind the Scenes at AGT

From Hoffspace

David shows us what it's like behind the scenes of America's Got Talent just before the live shows. Also, check out a video of David and Daughtry, who performed on the show last night!Find more videos like this on HoffSpace

From Hoffspace

Find more videos like this on HoffSpace*Due to spam comments are no longer allowed on this entry.