"Superhero Night" Features Nick Fury Scenes

Thanks to BroadwayWorld.com

SUPERHERO Night! features scenes from Roger Corman's Fantastic Four (1994), David Hasselhoff's Nick Fury, and the Captain America movie starring JD Salinger's son. Cartoon segments include Thor: Invasion of the Lava Men (1966), Bigfoot Meets The Thing (1979) and The Galaxy Trio (1967).

The 2-hour video-variety show is hosted by Kevin Maher and Nick Nadel, with special guests James Dean Conklin (animator of Wonderman, seen on Comedy Central's TV Funhouse), Matthew K Manning (writer for Batman Strikes) and Alex Zalben (co-host of Comic Book Club.) Plus Fan Fiction, View-Master slides, trivia, prizes and cheap beer.SUPERHERO Night!@ UNDER St. Mark's94 St. Mark's Place, btw 1st Ave and Avenue AL train to 1st Ave, F/V to 2nd Ave, N/R/W train to 8th St, 6 train to Astor Pl.Wednesday, March 18 @ 7:00 PMJust $7